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更新时间:2025-03-10 10:46:55
  • 单语例句

  • 双语例句

1. According to the new rule, adjustments will be made to the definition and business scope of such finance firms.

2. A Lanzhou resident says at the moment, the noodle restaurants'operations don't seem to be affected by the rule.

3. In a modern society, basic order should be maintained by the rule of law.

4. On the other hand, potential investors internationally are more likely to be attracted by the rule changes.

5. Be chivalrous to the female by following the rule " lady first ".

6. China should try to adopt Singapore standards in eradicating corruption by building the rule of law although this cannot be achieved overnight.

7. The Beijing traffic management bureau has not given details of what penalties will be faced by those who flout the rule.

8. So Tuesday's accident should be a warning for the safety management department to swing into action and rule out potential dangers.

9. There used to be the practice of punishing traffic rule violators by getting them to stand at crossroads and catch other rule violators.

10. Players also can be penalized under the hindrance rule, if the chair umpires believe it's deliberate and creates an advantage.

1. With the analysis of the situation of present consideration, I point out my own opinion of the consideration of present share merger reform. First, it refers to the main content that consideration should be compensated. On this basis, I point out the payment of consideration must obey some principles: recognize consideration action, ensure the interests of shareholders in reform. I also make some concrete ideas that year-end rate of return rule tradable shareholders should be as the theoretical basis of consideration calculation, and set up a theoretical model. Year-end rate of return rule in it is, on the base of tracing invested cost, comparing the non-tradable shareholders and tradable shareholders`rate of return in the end of the year. At last, I point out my own ideas about how some companies with special problems pay for consideration. Especially, neither the loss of companies nor net asset of stock dropping is the pretext of reducing payment. I hope responsible departments publish policies to ensure the facility and reasonability in the payment of consideration in share merger reform.

2. Students and graduates should be aware of the new regulations so that they now can take action: Consolidation Loan Changes - Single holder rule is not changed - Eliminates in-school and spousal consolidation options.

3. be the rule是什么意思

3. This will be my credo; this and the Golden Rule.

4. be the rule

4. Angular spectral is spectral value map formed by estimating semblable coefficients of fast and slow shear wave or the variation of amplitude ratio of fast and slow shear wave with times and angles at a specified space point based on semblable theory of fast and slow shear wave, the angle value of this space point at a given time can be got by picking the maximum of angular spectral; the study reveals that fast and slow shear wave with different polarization direction should be separated using different rotation formula, eight formulas of separating fast and slow shear wave using clockwise rotation and counterclockwise rotation have been derived, and gained energy assignment rule and phase coincidence rule, in real data estimation, the rotation formula used for separating fast and slow shear wave can be uniquely determined on the two discriminating rules. On the basis of semblable theory of fast and slow shear wave, the delay time corresponding to the maximum of semblable coefficients at a specified point in a given time window is the delay time of fast and slow shear wave, delay time section of fast and slow shear wave can be got by moving space point and smoothing time window. The vertical variation values of delay time of fast and slow shear wave reflect the effect degree of vertical fractured reservoir on fast and slow shear wave which is defined as anisotropic coefficient, and section map of anisotropic coefficient can be obtained.

5. be the rule的解释

5. Netizen Angell basked in Pure Brightness in post of the hair on the net the experience that small long holiday uses consumptive certificate in Hangzhou: The businessman meets the place that can use travel certificate to stick the mark of a travel certificate on the door, the businessman gives travel ticket when you are consumed, the businessman helps you strike a rule at the back of your notebook, knock full 10 chapters throw lottery box to await win a prize in a lottery. Disappear take time looks for the businessman that has consumptive certificate sign, consumption just can be touched 40 yuan completely consume certificate with 10 yuan.


6. Any delay or demurrage by not complying with this rule will be the shipper`s responsibility.

7. By introducing the rotating angular rate from the body frame to the navigation frame instead of the pose matrix, the rotating axis could be pointed to the entire three dimensional spaces in the navigation frame. The rule of SINS error states had been gained for the body frame rotating arbitrary orientation.

8. be the rule在线翻译

8. And only in this way, can the conflict between the subjects be conciliated. This paper, based upon the rule of otherness of eudaemonia, trys to analyze what the education, responsible for the eudaemonia of subject, should do.

9. be the rule什么意思

9. The calculation of the star circuit with multijugate coupling inductance coils can be predigested using the decouping rule.
现对星型耦合电路进行分析。2 去耦分析及证明过程图 1为具有三对耦合线圈的星形电路,每对均为同侧联接。

10. The Wheel can be compared with a typical autocratic organization, meaning one-man rule and limited employee participation.

11. be the rule的翻译

11. When a few attention getting a person, the responsibility that violates ethics of market rule, ethics appears, classics regular meeting causes social noisy like that big wave, as popular song in that way, another, emerge in endlessly, incident sale strategy is about to see a thing whether can can capture the effect in people behavior habit and heart, after all of this society favour, look on, love the person still is be in the majority to watch the scene of bustle, if provide disaster relief, become, incident of Olympic Games, milk happens, bring not little impact to media of a few enterprises.


12. You'd think he'd be a shoo-in to rule the castle, right?

13. Any person who refuses to obey the rule will be conducted out of the club.

14. It establishes a general rule - conversion should be made using the rate of exchange on the date of sale - and an exception to this general rule for sales on forward markets.

15. be the rule在线翻译

15. In addition, the author designs the rule of conversion from GPDPM process model to IDEF〓 function model, which can convert GPDPM model to IDEF〓 model successfully. It is explained that GPDPM model can be not only suitable for process modeling, but also for function modeling.

16. And the following key step should be followed as perform absoute and accurate data conversion:identification of source data, determination of data integrated conversion rule and development of conversion rule code.

17. For method 2, the direction of current can be found by Fleming's right-hand rule

18. This seems to be the golden rule of all merchandise sales.

19. But in the actual systems, it is difficult to know the system rule before da ta analysis process, the traditional analysis method can not be suitable to comp lex systems.

20. For example, an accountant is allowed to be an advocate of a client with respect to tax matters. Rule 102 is very broad and could be described as an element of flexibility in the Code.

  • 临近词

"Until recently, that longer half-life was assumed to be the rule for both types of mercury," Pichichero said.(Pichichero说,“直到最近,长半衰期仍被认为是各种类型的汞所普遍具有的。”)
Dual-career marriages seem to be the rule, not the exception, in the money driven 1990s.(在金钱驱使的九十年代,双职工家庭司空见惯,似乎没有例外。)
Other specialists in the field even suggest UV vision may turn out to be the rule rather than the exception in the animal kingdom.(该领域的其他专家甚至表示,在动物王国,能够看到紫外线是一个规律,而不是例外。)
The answer can be found in the intersection of a rule, an event and a trend.(答案可以在一项议事规则、一件事件、和一个趋势的交集中被找到。)
When the Set button is clicked, all rules and categories in the rule Set will be selected in the rule tree.(当点击这个Set按钮之后,规则集中所有的规则和目录在这个规则树中都将会被选择。)
It had just returned from an 11-hour flight, which seemed to be the rule, over the Bellingshausen and Amundsen seas.(它刚从一个11小时的飞行,这似乎是统治和阿蒙森的别林斯高晋海。)
For years executives and headhunters have adhered to the rule that the most attractive CEO candidates are the ones who must be poached.(多年来,高管和猎头公司一直坚持这样一条规则:最引人注目的执行总裁候选人是必须要挖走的人。)
This seems to be the rule, not the exception.(这看起来像规则而不是例外。)
He has shown himself to be a renegade without respect for the rule of law.(他已经表现出自己是个毫不尊重法规的叛逆者。)
Self sufficiency will be the rule.(生存法则会是自给自足。)
be the rule是什么意思 be the rule在线翻译 be the rule什么意思 be the rule的意思 be the rule的翻译 be the rule的解释 be the rule的发音 be the rule的同义词